Regional Directorates

The Servicio Nacional de Migraciones (SERMIG) provides face-to-face assistance in 14 of the 16 regions of Chile. Click on the regions on the map to find out the address and opening hours of each regional office.

Mapa Regiones de Chile
Arica y Parinacota Region

Name of the authority:
Darío Sánchez Montenegro, deputy director.

Office address:
Emilio Castro N/N, underground, public buildings, Arica.*

* On-site assistance, during office hours.

Tarapacá Region

Name of the authority:
Pamela Hernández Leiva.

Office address:
Obispo Labbé 492, Iquique.*

* On-site assistance, during office hours.

Antofagasta Region

Name of the authority:
Eduardo Contreras Illanes.

Antofagasta office address:
Jorge Washington 2534, Antofagasta.*

Calama office address:
Granaderos 2262, Calama.*

* On-site assistance, during office hours.

Atacama Region

Name of the authority:
Romina López Díaz.

Office address:
Los Carrera 645, Copiapó.*

* On-site assistance, during office hours.

Coquimbo Region

Name of the authority:
Rosendo Yáñez Lorca.

Office address:
Aldunate 950, Coquimbo.*

* On-site assistance, during office hours.

Valparaíso Region

Name of the authority:
Viviana Ávila Silva.

Valparaíso office address:
Melgarejo 669, zócalo 1, Valparaíso.*

San Felipe office address:
Salinas 1231, 4th floor, San Felipe.*

* On-site assistance, during office hours.

Metropolitan Region

Name of the authority:
Carolina Rojas Flores.

Office address:
San Antonio 580, Santiago.

O'Higgins Region

Name of the authority:
Sebastián Aguirre Cabello, deputy director.

Office address:
Germán Riesco 350, Rancagua.*

* On-site assistance, during office hours.

Maule Region

Name of the authority:
Juan Cardemil Palacios, deputy director.

Office address:
Calle 1 poniente 865, Talca.*

* On-site assistance, monday, wednesday and friday.

Ñuble Region

Name of the authority:

Office address:
Palermo 45, Chillán.*

* On-site assistance, during office hours.

Biobío Region

Name of the authority:
Sebastián Maldonado Soto, deputy director.

Office address:
Aníbal Pinto 450, 4-B, Galería Alessandri, Concepción.*

* On-site assistance, during office hours.

La Araucanía Region

Name of the authority:
Carlos Manque Pérez, deputy director.

Office address:
Manuel Bulnes 590, 2nd floor, Temuco.*

* On-site assistance, during office hours.

Los Ríos Region

Name of the authority:
Oscar Molina Silva.

Office address:
Camilo Henríquez N° 146 Valdivia.

Los Lagos Region

Name of the authority:
Macarena Gallardo Muñoz, deputy director.

Office address:
San Martín 80, 4th floor, Puerto Montt.*

* On-site assistance, during office hours.

Aysén del Gral. Carlos Ibañez del Campo Region

Name of the authority:
Israel Villavicencio Chávez, deputy director.

Office address:
Presidente Errazuriz 375, Coyhaique.*

* On-site assistance, during office hours.

Magallanes y de La Antártica Chilena Region

Name of the authority:
Vesna Mladinic Draguicevic, deputy director.

Office address:
Bories 901, 5th floor, Punta Arenas.*

* On-site assistance, during office hours.

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