SERMIG Research and analyses

The following documents* are the result of analyses conducted by the Departamento de Estudios with data from SERMIG’s estimates of foreigners in Chile and administrative records regarding the demographic analysis of the 20 largest groups at national level; the demographic analysis by regions of Chile; and some communes.

The SERMIG administrative records considered include applications for and granting of the main immigration benefits: Residencia Temporal permits, Residencia Definitiva permits, and Cartas de Nacionalización. In the case of economic analysis, use is made of data from the National Employment Survey developed by the National Statistics Institute (INE), considering employment indicators of the foreign population in Chile. In addition, migration-related analyses developed from SERMIG’s own administrative records and those of other state institutions are incorporated.

* Spanish only.



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Para reservar, debes ingresar con tu cuenta del Portal de Trámites del SERMIG. Si no tienes una, entonces el primer paso es crearla:

Si ya validaste tu cuenta, selecciona la oficina regional que buscas:

* Recuerda que sólo puedes reservar una cita a la vez.

Sign up and schedule an appointment!

To schedule an appointment, log in with your username and password from the SERMIG’s Portal de Trámites Digitales. If you don’t have one, you can create it.

Scheduling an appointment is available in all regional offices in Chile. Remember that you can only make one reservation at a time!

¿Qué información buscas?


  • Si necesitas tu Resolución Exenta, documento oficial que acredita tu residencia temporal o definitiva, revisa cómo encontrarla y descárgala en nuestro portal. Te guiamos paso a paso.
  • Si necesitas otro tipo de información, ingresa tu solicitud en el formulario: