What is an application for a pronouncement?
This is a procedure that can be completed if you have doubts regarding your citizenship. By virtue of the power established in Art. 157 No. 9 of Law No. 21.325 of Migración y Extranjería, the Servicio Nacional de Migraciones (SERMIG) may declare whether you are a foreigner or not.
For example, if you are a person born in Chile and registered in the Servicio de Registro Civil e Identificación (Civil Registry and Identification Service) as a “Hijo de Extranjero Transeúnte” (Child of a foreigner not residing in Chile), and you have doubts regarding this condition, you can submit an application for SERMIG to pronounce about your case.
Where can I apply for a citizenship pronouncement?
Applications for a pronouncement is initiated on the Portal de Trámites Digitales of SERMIG, by logging in from within the national territory.
General Documentation
- Complete birth certificate of the person whose citizenship is being consulted.
- Documents showing that the applicant's father and mother were not a temporary visitor (transient) at the time of birth because they intended to reside in Chile:
- Travel report issued by the Chilean International Police.
- Residence application, residence permit, lease/work contract, utility bills, third-party affidavit, etc.
How do I submit the application?
* Spanish only.
Can I apply by mail?
Application instructions by mail
Yes, you can. To do so, you must follow these instructions:
- Download and complete the application in block letters.
* Spanish only.
- Write your first name and surname as it appears in your passport or identification document.
- Send by certified mail to: Servicio Nacional de Migraciones, Departamento de Nacionalidad, Clasificador Nº 8, Correo Central, Santiago.
- The response to this presentation will be sent to your home address.